Hazardous Waste in Portugal – Diagnosis and Foresight
In 2004, the decree-law n.º 3/2004 of January the 3rd was published. Its main goal was to create Integrated centers of Recovery, Valorization, and Elimination of Hazardous Waste (CIRVER), posing a solution in accordance to the Self-sufficiency and Proximity principle defined in the Waste Framework Directive.
The Portuguese Environmental Agency, whose main purpose is to contribute towards the sustainable development of Portugal, assembled a session concerning the theme of hazardous waste on the 26th of January. It was titled “Hazardous Waste in Portugal – Diagnosis and Foresight”, in the auditorium of its facilities in Alfragide.
After 9 years since the start of activities in these facilities, it became extremely important to analyze the implemented policies as well as the current state of the evolution of hazardous waste management in Portugal, from its production to its treatment and final destination. During this session, we also ran a prospective analysis of the evolution of production and management of hazardous waste in Portugal.
This session's target audience was the waste management operators, waste producers, business associations, public entities with competences in the waste area and other entities related to this matter.
ECODEAL marked its presence!
Check the available presentations on the APA website: https://www.apambiente.pt/
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